We have
deemed September 1st National NOT Back To School Day!
National NOT
Back To School Day is a day to focus on the here and now.
Living in
the present, not constantly in the future.
A day to
celebrate staying home/going places, as unschoolers.
People that
believe in learning organically.
discovering, exploring, growing, laughing, learning, living, loving.
School is a
huge part of our society. It gobbles up
every inch/ounce/iota of free space/time that families cherish. This time of
year, you’d have to bury your head in the sand to avoid hearing anything about,
“back to school”. From
advertisements, to family and friends attending school, it’s mentioned on
signs, even bombarding you on trips to the grocery store. We are always asked, it seems, “Is (are)
he/she (they) ready to go back to school?” followed by (if we don’t answer fast
enough), “What grade will he/she be in?” It can feel
daunting at times.
We’re the
outsiders, not regretting our divergent course, and we wish to bring awareness
to the practice of unschooling.
We would like families from all countries to recognize this day even though it is technically a United States holiday. September 1st is a happy medium of those dates when schools ring their first classroom bells in our country.
We would like families from all countries to recognize this day even though it is technically a United States holiday. September 1st is a happy medium of those dates when schools ring their first classroom bells in our country.
Join us in
celebrating being unschoolers together by posting photos and what you are doing
with your child(ren) or sharing unschoolish quotes by using the hashtags: #NNBTSDay #NationalNOTBackToSchoolDay
#NOTBackToSchoolDay to your Blogs, Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter,
Tumblr, etc.
“It’s not
that I feel that school is a good idea gone wrong, but a wrong idea from the
word go. It’s a nutty notion that we can
have a place where nothing but learning happens, cut off from the rest of
life.” - John Holt
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